How to find your Soulmate on Grindr by Scott Tsui

Grindr is generally regarded as a sex app as opposed to a dating app. Knowing this, is it really possible to find love on Grindr?

I believe not everyone uses Grindr solely for sex. There is always a spectrum of men who want different things at different times. From just sex, looking for casual dates to occupy their time, friends with benefits, to searching for something that is more meaningful. There are always men who want to date and start a relationship. It’s just a number’s game.

The danger is that for the ones who claim they want a relationship, many of them checked all those boxes. Their thinking is that before Mr. Right shows up, they can still enjoy their sex adventures and have their fun. What they are not aware of is that they can get easily distracted even when the right guy shows up, especially when someone who’s hotter or sexier approaches them before they have established an intimate connection. 

Connecting with sexy guys is a habit that is hard...

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